In this article, we will examine the apparently easy task which is a retrieval of the show version command from the Cisco router. What could go wrong there, and how to fix it? Let’s figure it out! Workflow overview Today,
Tag: python
Script runtime optimization with pexpect
Automation itself is a milestone when it comes to efficiency. Tasks can be executed simultaneously on many devices even during nights/holidays. Sometimes, however, it has its limits. As the task execution time grows more and more, it’s a good idea
Flow control with pexpect
Using pexpect is pretty straightforward, but what about the situations, when we don’t know in what state the device, that we’re interacting with is? In such a scenario, we have to implement logic in our script that could handle different
Basic Cisco router automation workflow with pexpect
Network automation can take many forms depending on the technologies and environments. Sometimes though, we have to dive deep into low-level automation, where we can’t use REST API or other more-convenient technologies. In this article, we will take a brief
Cisco SD-WAN REST API calls with Python’s requests library
In the previous article on Cisco SD-WAN, I’ve shown you how to interact with the vManage using Postman software. Now it’s time to do some coding. We will interact with the SD-WAN using the Python requests library. For this article,
Universal Network Backup Tool v 2.0 released
It’s been a while since the Universal Network Backup Tool was developed. This weekend a new version was released. There is one major bug fix and some enhancements. Changelog: Fixed bug crashing script because of ‘%’ present in the username/password
Cisco Meraki REST API calls using SDK
In the previous article about Cisco Meraki, I’ve shown you a way to interact with REST API by using the requests library. This article is focused on a Meraki SDK, which provides an easier way to interact with Meraki. Tools
Cisco DNA REST API calls using SDK
There are various methods of interacting with the Cisco DNA Center. In the previous articles, I’ve shown you how to execute REST API calls by using Postman software and Python’s requests library. This time, I’ll use an SDK dedicated for
Cisco DNA REST API calls with Python’s requests library
In this article, I’ve shown you how to execute simple REST API calls to the Cisco DNA Center using Postman. Today, we will switch to Python to build a couple of useful scripts. Tools To run REST API calls we
Cisco Meraki REST API calls with Python’s requests library
In the previous articles, I’ve described how to execute REST API calls using Postman software. This time we will dive into Python. Tools To run REST API calls we will use Python3 with the requests library. It’s not installed by