Nokia VSR Card/MDA provisioning – GNS3 example

Before you start to configure physical ports on Nokia network devices, you have to make sure, that cards and MDA’s are properly configured, either way, your configuration won’t work correctly. In this article, I’ll present the provisioning process on the Nokia VSR, so you can use it in your own simulations.

Card provisioning

Let’s start with card provisioning. First of all, let’s list of available cards. To accomplish that, use show card command.

In the Provision Type column, we can see, that card 1 is not yet provisioned. There is also information about card type. We will use that information later in the provisioning process.

To provision a card, we have to specify which card we want to provision(slot number), and provision type. Use the following command to provision the first card.

A:GARZUMdotNET# configure card 1 card-type "iom3-xp-b"

After card provisioning, you can check the status by issuing show card command.

The provisioned card is now in the up/up state, which means, that everything went well.

MDA provisioning

Now we have the provisioned card, so we can configure the MDA. Let’s begin with a list of available MDA’s. To accomplish that, execute show mda command.

In this case, we have only one MDA on card 1. The number of MDA’s may vary depending on card type. As you can see on the screen above, MDA 1 is not provisioned yet. From the output we can get MDA type. Let’s provision MDA 1 on card 1 by executing configure card 1 mda 1 mda-type “m5-1gb-sfp-b”.

If you execute show mda command right away, you can observe, that MDA’s operational state is booting. After a couple of seconds, it changes to the up state, which means that MDA is operational.

Always remember to save configuration with admin save command, otherwiste all configuration changes will be gone after device reboot.

And that’s it! Now you can proceed with port configuration.

Nokia 7750 Service Router provisioning example

In this section, I want to show you how provisioning looks like in a real-life scenario. In this case, we have a physical Nokia 7750 SR-12e with multiple physical cards. Here’s how show card looks like.

The 7750 SR-12e chassis has multiple card slots. As you can see, we have cards inserted in slots 1,2,4,5,7,8. There are two types of cards used, imm-2pac-fp3 and iom4-e.

Let’s jump to the MDA overview.

The difference between the virtual Nokia VSR and Nokia 7750 is rather easy to spot. Now, besides multiple cards, we have also two MDA’s per physical card.

Here’s how the provisioning configuration looks like.

echo "Card Configuration"
    card 1
        card-type imm-2pac-fp3
        mda 1
            mda-type p1-100g-cfp
            no shutdown
        mda 2
            mda-type p1-100g-cfp
            no shutdown
        no shutdown
    card 2
        card-type iom4-e
        mda 1
            mda-type me2-100gb-qsfp28
            no shutdown
        mda 2
            mda-type me2-100gb-qsfp28
            no shutdown
        no shutdown
    card 4
        card-type imm-2pac-fp3
        mda 1
            mda-type p3-40g-qsfp
            no shutdown
        mda 2
            mda-type p3-40g-qsfp
            no shutdown
        no shutdown
    card 5
        card-type imm-2pac-fp3
        mda 1
            mda-type p6-10g-sfp
            no shutdown
        mda 2
            mda-type p6-10g-sfp
            no shutdown
        no shutdown
    card 7
        card-type imm-2pac-fp3
        mda 1
            mda-type p3-40g-qsfp
            no shutdown
        mda 2
            mda-type p3-40g-qsfp
            no shutdown
        no shutdown
    card 8
        card-type imm-2pac-fp3
        mda 1
            mda-type p3-40g-qsfp
            no shutdown
        mda 2
            mda-type p3-40g-qsfp
            no shutdown
        no shutdown
    card 9
        card-type iom4-e
        mda 1
            mda-type me2-100gb-qsfp28
            no shutdown
        mda 2
            mda-type me2-100gb-qsfp28
            no shutdown
        no shutdown


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