Embracing the Future: Garzum.net is Now WanderNets.com!

I am thrilled to announce a change that reflects growth and evolving vision. Garzum.net is officially rebranding to WanderNets.com!

This transformation is more than just a change of name and logo — it’s a breath of fresh air to the knowledge-sharing methods.

Why the Change?

Since its inception, Garzum.net has been dedicated to creating a unique online space for network freaks and enthusiasts. As it’s grown and expanded, I felt that the name should evolve to better represent the contents and the journey we’re on together.

WanderNets.com embodies a belief in exploration and networking. “Wander” signifies the spirit of discovery and adventure, while “Nets” reflects the networking path.

The new name captures the essence of what I aim to achieve: guiding you through the vast network-related landscape with ease and confidence.

Looking Forward

The rebranding to WanderNets.com marks the beginning of a new, exciting chapter. My goal is to continually innovate and provide you with the practical knowledge and inspiration you need to explore the networking world. As you might have already observed, I published my first-ever technical video in April. I like the idea of expanding knowledge-sharing methods beyond articles. So what’s yet to come? That’s a tough question for now, but the idea of trying new formats is thrilling, so expect more in the future!

Community: Our Journey Together

Over the past five years, this blog has grown in ways I never imagined. Each month, hundreds of readers from around the world engage with the articles, finding value and inspiration in the content I’ve provided. It’s truly humbling to think about the many people who have benefited from this blog, and it fills me with immense pride and gratitude.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you. Your positive feedback and support mean the world to me. It’s your engagement and enthusiasm that makes this journey so rewarding. I am excited to continue growing and evolving with you, and I look forward to many more years of exploration and connection.

Thank you for being a part of this journey so far. I can’t wait to embark on this new adventure with you.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, happy wandering!

Radosław Kochman


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